Over 200 Connexion members submitted pictures for consideration and members of the social networking site selected the two finalists through a series of eight rounds of voting, casting over 30,000 votes in an eight week period.
Hailing from the Nation’s Capital, meet Tim Baird, an all-American guy who proved he is more than just a pretty face and a super fit body. His killer smile and charming personality brought the heat to beach during a photo shoot that found him showcasing new styles from this year’s underwear offerings, dangling from cliffs over crashing waves, and braving the freezing water to show off an irresistible swimsuit.
We took a moment to ask the brand’s newest face some questions for a special look into his life and what he fills his baskit with….
Baskit: What’s your age and where you are from, Tim?
Tim I’m 27 and right now I live and work in DC. I grew up in Cohasset, Massachusetts, a small town just south of Boston.
Baskit What do you do for a living (aside from modeling)? What did you want to be when you were a kid?
Tim I work full-time for a healthcare non-profit, but as a little kid I always wanted to be a professional soccer player.
Baskit What's the best way to spend your day off? Extra hours at the gym? On the beach? Hiking?
Tim If I had a totally free day, which never happens, I’d sleep in, then with a little motivation I’d get to the gym and spend the rest of my afternoon by the pool or beach with some friends, music, food and drinks.
Baskit Were you familiar with Baskit before the model search and what drew you to it?
Tim Totally. I have a few pairs and modeled for a Baskit underwear show in DC. It’s sexy, great fitting underwear so entering the contest just made sense for me.
Baskit Is there something you aren't doing that you wish you were? A sport/skill you were never good at or just haven’t gotten around to learning yet?
Tim I really want to learn how to surf. I need to get my ass to a beach where I can practice!
Baskit What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?
Tim Never take anything too seriously, including yourself!
Baskit On a random Saturday, what are you wearing?
Tim Shorts, a tank or v-neck and flip-flops. I’ll probably have some kind of necklace on, aviators if I haven’t lost them and Baskit’s, of course.
Baskit If you had a week on a beach and could only take three things with you what would they be (aside from clothes and money?)
Tim Tough question. Definitely music, a volleyball and a surfboard so I can finally pickup surfing!
Baskit Got any other interest tid-bits or pieces of information you'd want to share? Maybe something nobody knows about you?
Tim I speak Spanish, bummed around South America for a year, and have cut my own hair since I was 17.