Baskit Featured in Men's Health December 2011


Attention prospective Baskit Wear models!! Now through October 14th, we're accepting images of guys who want to participate! On October 17th at 12pm EST, when the first round of voting will begin, the ten top images (selected by Baskit Wear) will be posted in a “Have a Ball In Baskit” contest section on Baskit Wear’s Facebook page, and will remain until Friday, October 21st at 5pm EST, when voting will end. Facebook fans will determined this rounds winner by commenting on and ‘liking’ their favorite photo. The top three participants will automatically win $100.00 to spend at www.baskitwear.com.
The final round of voting, which will begin at 12pm EST on October 24th will determine who will win a year’s worth of Baskit product and be brought to an exclusive photo-session with a top photographer to star in Baskit’s global campaign. Baskit Facebook fans will determined the overall contest winner by commenting and ‘liking’ their favorite photo.
Contest Schedule
Wednesday, October 5th - Contest Begins, submissions accepted via email
Saturday, October 15th 12am EST- deadline for photo submissions
Monday, October 17th 12pm EST- Top 10 images posted, voting begins.
Friday October 21st 5pm EST- Voting closes for Top 10
Monday, October 24th 12pm EST- Top 3 Finalist Images Posted, voting begins.
Friday, October 28th 5pm EST – Final Round voting ends.

On October 24th at 12pm EST fans will have the chance to one again vote for their favorite model from the top three finalists. The winner with the most vote (likes and comments) will have the opportunity to participate in a professional Baskit-facilitated photo shoot.
The Fine Print
Top ten images from submissions will be chosen by Baskit.
Each of three finalists (determined by Facebook audience) will be awarded $100 good toward any purchase at the Baskit Wear online store (www.baskitwear.com). Final winner of a year’s worth of underwear will receive five (5) pairs of Baskit underwear every month for twelve (12) months.
After three finalists are determined, the Facebook audience will again vote for who they want to be the winner of the entire contest. Photo with most “likes” and comments will be considered winner.
Photoshopping images will not be tolerated and disqualification from the contest is at the discretion of Baskit Wear.
The final winner of the Baskit Wear Model Search will have the opportunity to act as a model for the brand through an arranged photo shoot. No talent required, open to all male contestants who are 18 years of age or older. Photos submitted must cover all personal areas. Photos will be accepted through Friday, October 14th.
Winners will be notified by e-mail. All entrants must read the official rules including the disclaimer before submitting your photo and providing Baskit personal information.
Official Rules: Open to males, who are 18 years of age or older, as of October 5, 2011.One submission per person. Must be a residence of the domestic U.S. to enter.
Hosting Company: Baskit Wear (herein referred to as “Hosting Company”)
Disclaimer and Release of Liability: The Hosting Company and all its affiliates are not responsible for any incorrect or inaccurate entry information, human error, technical malfunction, failures, omission, interruption, deletion, or defect of any telephone network, computer online systems, computer equipment, servers, access providers, or software, including any injury or damage to participants’ or any other person’, computer relating to or resulting from participation in this Contest; inability to access the entry website or any pages thereof; theft, tampering, destruction, or unauthorized access to, or alteration of entries; entry submissions that are processed late or incorrectly or are incomplete, garbled, or lost due to computer or electronic malfunction or traffic congestion on the Internet or any website. Proof of entering information at website is not considered proof of delivery or receipt. All dates set forth in these Official Rules are approximate. The Hosting Company reserves the right to extend any deadlines. All entries and any other material submitted (including but not limited to image) become the sole property of the Hosting Company. False and or deceptive entries or accounts shall render entry ineligible.
All decisions of the Hosting Company shall be final and conclusive on all matters relating to the Contest.
All Contestants and Winners release the Hosting Company and their parent companies, affiliates, subsidiaries, wholesalers, retailers, officers, directors, agents, employees and all other associated with the development and execution of this Contest from any and all liability with respect to, or in any way arising from this Contest, publication or use of their images, including liability for personal injury, death, damages, or monetary loss.
The Hosting Company reserve the right to terminate, withdraw or amend the Contest for any reason.
Contestants consent to the Hosting Company’s collection, use and disclosure to third parties of Contestants’ personal information for the purpose of administering this Contest and as otherwise set out in these Official Rules.
September 14, 2011 Following an up close and personal interview with connexion.org modeling contest winner Tim Baird, comes the second finalist Billy Dortch, a free-spirited Sacramento native with the looks of a bad boy, but a heart of gold and a voice to match.
Over 200 members of social networking site connexion.org submitted pictures for consideration and selected the two winners through a series of eight rounds of voting. Over 30,000 votes were casted in an eight-week period.

Check out what Billy has to say when we peak into his life and love of Baskit…
Baskit How old are you Billy?
Billy I just turned 27 in July...
Baskit What do you do for a living (aside from modeling)? What did you want to be when you were a kid?
Billy Currently I am a singer/songwriter. (Check out Billy Dortch on iTunes or www.billydortch.com) and for money I manage and bartend at a popular bar in West Hollywood. As a child I wanted to own a farm with my brother and sister…. now the bar at times feels like a barn with farm animals.
Baskit You have some body art - can you give us a description of it and what it means to you?
Billy I have 10 tattoos. They all are special and have meaning to my life. I have my last name on my arm, a bird with a breast cancer ribbon for my mom (she is a survivor, love ya mom!) I also have the title to my first music single "breathe" on my neck. The music video for the song was actually nominated for video of the year on LOGO in 2009.
Baskit What's the best way to spend a day off? Extra hours at the gym? On the beach? Hiking?
Billy I love to hike. I try to go on a different hike each weekend! I also enjoy camping and am currently restoring an old camper trailer and it's almost ready to take to the road!
Baskit Were you familiar with Baskit before the model search and what drew you to it?
Billy Yes, I actually did a shoot a few months before and by chance I was wearing Baskit underwear. I entered a picture from that shoot to the competition.
Baskit Is there something thing you aren't doing that you wish you were? A sport/skill you were never good at or just haven’t gotten around to learning yet?
Billy I actually want to learn trapeze and run away with the circus!
Baskit What is the best advice anyone has ever given you?
Billy Not sure if it’s advice, but I have always had unconditional love form my family.
Baskit On a random Saturday, what are you likely to be wearing?
Billy Swim shorts in my blow up kiddy pool ala Homer Simpson.
Baskit If you had a week on a beach and could only take three things with you what would they be (aside from clothes and money?)
Billy My boyfriend, an iPod with speakers, and a bottle of wine.
Baskit Any other interest tid-bits or pieces of information you'd want to share with the readers? Something nobody knows about you?
Billy I love the P90x workout and I've never had a gym membership! Plus, as I write this, I am currently on a ship in the middle of a sixty-six day exploration of the Mediterranean Sea!